
MBA General Management - kompakt 60 ECTS

Allensbach Hochschule

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium

MBA Engineering Management

Allensbach Hochschule

Master of Business Administration, Vollzeit

MBA General Management 120 ECTS

Allensbach Hochschule

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium

MBA General Management 90 ECTS

Allensbach Hochschule

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium

MBA Master of Business Administration

IU Internationale Hochschule

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium

M.A. General Management

IU Internationale Hochschule

Master of Arts, Fernstudium

M.A. Marketingmanagement

IU Internationale Hochschule

Master of Arts, Fernstudium

M.A. Soziale Arbeit

IU Internationale Hochschule

Master of Arts, Fernstudium

Informatik (M.Sc.)

AKAD University

Master of Science, Fernstudium
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Data Science (M.Sc.)

AKAD University

Master of Science, Fernstudium
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Maschinenbau (M.Eng.)

AKAD University

Master of Engineering, Fernstudium
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Entrepreneurship und Innovation (MBA)

AKAD University

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium
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Controlling (M.Sc.)

AKAD University

Master of Science, Fernstudium
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General Management (MBA)

AKAD University

Master of Business Administration, Fernstudium
Kosten auf Anfrage

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