International Security Studies (M.A., Vollzeit)

Typ Master of Arts
Studienform Vollzeit
Schwerpunkt International Security Studies
Studienbeginn Herbstquartal
Dauer 12 Monate
Bewerbungsfrist 15. Mai jedes Jahres
Kosten 11.000,00€
Sprache Englisch
Ort Garmisch-Partenkirchen

campus advanced studies center - das Weiterbildungsinstitut der Universität der Bundeswehr München / International Security Studies im Detail

The Master of Arts – Program “International Security Studies” (MISS) is a unique post-graduate program for security professionals offered jointly by the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM) and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (GCMC). The one-year program is designed to prepare international military and civilian students with some years of experience for executive positions in the public and private sector.

MISS participants profit from the particular strengths of the partnering institutions: The program combines university modules taught by the university’s professors and selected international faculty with the policy-oriented programs of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, a German-American defense institution where students study alongside other government officials from 110 countries.

Four different study concentrations – Regional Security, Counterterrorism, Cyber Security, and Countering Organized Crime – offer students an opportunity to deepen their understanding and develop professional networks in their specific area of expertise.

The program is designed for full- and part-time studies and can be completed either as a twelve-month course starting in September or individually via roughly one-month modules. The entire program takes place at the Marshall Center in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a mountain resort in Southern Bavaria.


Counter Narcotics and Illicit Trafficking Program on Cyber Security Studies Program on Terrorism and Security Studies Seminar on Regional Security Seminar on Transatlantic Civil Security


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