International Health Economics & Pharmacoeconomics (M.Sc.) (M.Sc., Vollzeit)
Typ | Master of Science |
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Studienform | Vollzeit | |
Schwerpunkt | International Pharmacoeconomics & Health Economics | |
Studienbeginn | Winter- und Sommersemester | |
Dauer | 24 Monate | |
Bewerbungsfrist | Ganzjährlich möglich | |
Kosten | 21.120,00€ | |
Sprache | Englisch | |
Ort | Wiesbaden |
Hochschule Fresenius / International Health Economics & Pharmacoeconomics (M.Sc.) im Detail
The master's program in International Health Economics & Pharmacoeconomics (M.Sc.) prepares you for advanced roles in research and education, as well as in both the public and private sectors. Over three-quarters of your fellow students are international, which greatly influences the course. You will acquire a wide range of skills that will prepare you for the global challenges anticipated for graduates in health economics. In addition to its international and interdisciplinary approach, this program emphasizes a strong practical application focus.
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Komm, wie Du bist – und werde, wie Du sein willst! ???? Ob Vollzeit, berufsbegleitend oder im Fernstudium: Wir unterstützen Dich dabei, fachlich und persönlich zu der Person zu werden, die Du in Zukunft sein möchtest.
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